The Argo Foundation is a Melbourne-based charitable trust. Established in 2018, it operates in perpetuity & is headed by its two founders & two carefully selected trusted committee members, and supported by family and friends.
F o c u s
The Foundation makes grants nationally, in order to support charitable organisations who are working to benefit the community.
Our focus is to assist disadvantaged people who have fallen upon hard times.
We are passionate about providing opportunities for immediate relief as well as being a driving force to enable prevention rather than cure.
When communities & networks come together, anything is possible.
J a s o n & t h e
A r g o n a u t s
Our name stems from the old Greek myth that lead Jason on a quest to acquire the Golden Fleece.
Much like the Foundation, Jason formed a crew with his finest colleagues & acquired a vessel, Argo. With this ship, Jason set sail on a mission to obtain the Golden Fleece.
The Argo Foundation is also on a mission to make lives better. That’s our Golden Fleece.
Jason and the Argonaughts – background of the myth